'Project Life' album labels - my "aha" moment

It's an insignificant dilemma in the grand scheme of things, but for months now, I have been trying to work out the right way to label our Project Life albums. I like a uniform look - the same colour/type albums for the same topics. 

For this reason, I wanted our album labels to have a uniform look. If you have followed Becky Higgins for any amount of time, you've probably heard the mantra "begin with the end in mind." I love this idea. I want matching albums lined up on our shelves. The problem is that I don't stick to one album a year. I am currently working on the pages for our third album as a married couple. Our first album documents from March 2013 to August 2015. Our second album focuses on our year abroad in Vancouver from August 2015 through to August 2016, and our current album starts in September 2016 and is a work in progress.

I want uniformity without the rigidity of sticking to a certain amount of time per album. I don't want to feel like I am limited or forced to produce a certain number of pages per month. I want to keep the flexibility of going into more detail when I feel inspired to. I asked around on social media for ideas and examples of how people labeled their albums. The comments and ideas I received were beautiful.

They just didn't sit right with me.

I decided to put the issue to the back of my mind and come back to it another day.

Fast forward several months. I am curled up with a movie in the evening, the movie in question is 'About Time.' It got to the end, to the quote that resonated with me the first time I watched it:

"I just try to live every day as if I've deliberately come back to this one day, to enjoy it... as if it was the full, final day of my extraordinary, ordinary life."

The words hit me again, like they do every time I watch this movie: "my extraordinary, ordinary life". It all seemed to fall into place.

That is exactly what I want to document - the extraordinary and the ordinary in the life I share with My Handsome Man. From the big milestone events: the graduations; the year abroad, in as much detail as possible; birthday celebrations; weddings, etc, to the ordinary, meaningful moments of our everyday life.

Each album a volume of our "extraordinary, ordinary life."


The 'Perfect Cleanser'


A surprise aeroplane date